Open post 2 Big Concerns of Conducting Personality Tests Pre and Post-Employment

2 Big Concerns of Conducting Personality Tests Pre and Post-Employment

I recently discussed with my friend, a hiring manager himself, the idea of having candidates take personality tests during the interview. He is a proponent and believes that it wouldn’t hurt as long as the employer assures candidates that the test results do not affect the hiring decision. I respectfully disagree. When talking about interviews,...

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Open post How to Improve Candidate Experience During the Interview Stage

How to Improve Candidate Experience During the Interview Stage

Recently, I had a chat with my friend Cindy, who has been working for two years and is currently seeking a career move. She shared with me one of her candidate experiences with a company that she had recently attended an interview for: Cindy got an interview invitation with the company she has been dreaming...

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Open post 5 Ways to Optimize Your Job Posting

5 Ways to Optimize Your Job Posting

The employment market is changing daily. Sometimes you can get numerous qualified applicants, and sometimes you can’t. Have you considered that your job posting may not be attractive to potential applicants? Regardless of the reason, creating an engaging job posting can help you bring in more qualified candidates. Here we discuss 5 different ways to optimize your job...

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